Monday, October 26, 2009

Hey guys still “humanity” is living in this “F” world......................................

It’s time to cheer up my friends who voluntarily took care about wounded dog and send to hospital. Every human being is thankful to all the guys who took part in helping that wounded dog. Hey guys it’s a good work. I’m very happy to find humanity is still alive in some human beings.Hey guys still “humanity” is living in this “F” world......................................

Saturday, October 24, 2009

This is humanity?????????????????

After a long session in the college, we came out for a relaxation to tea shop which is in front of our college. Suddenly I saw a dog passing in front of the tea shop with front two legs only and other two legs are crushed. I don’t know what happened to the dog but felt very sad by seeing the dog’s misery. Later on I came to know what happened to the dog by one of my friend. She told me that the dog met with an accident by a two wheeler who use to pass on that road daily. Back legs of the dog were crushed under the front wheel of the motor cycle. Legs were crushed in such a way that it never walk properly. I felt very sad after knowing what happened. From that day when i saw the dog near tea shop I’m unable to stay before the shop. A big doubt was raised in my mind whether the fault is with the individual or with the system which was created by social animals for not showing mercy or help toward that dog. If we see a person met with an accident we will try to do something up to which we can do. But why we are not doing anything if we see these types of things happened to animals. If anything happened to us we can share with others but animals can’t do that. Just think a while about the situation of that dog in the above picture. How it can search for food daily being a street dog. I understood something by seeing the dog-“it keep on looking every one in such a way that please show mercy towards me”. Do we have mercy, sympathy on other creature including animals and social animals???????????? This is not to educate someone but just making others to think for a while what we are doing and why we are living.Hey guys plz advise us how to help this dog plz .

By Anand konda.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Review of " 2 States"

‘‘Love marriages around the world are simple:
Boy loves girl. Girl loves boy. They get married.
In India, there are a few more steps:
Boy loves Girl. Girl loves Boy.
Girl's family has to love boy. Boy's family has to love girl.
Girl's Family has to love Boy's Family. Boy's family has to love girl's family.

Girl and Boy still love each other. They get married. ’’

The above lines are the main theme of book written by Chetan Bhagat latest book '2 States' is about a boy and girl from two different states of India, who fall in love and want to get married. This is fourth book by Chetan. Chetan used to say that “He want to change country with his writing and inspire youth”. But I don’t find anything about his “motive or goal” in his earlier writing except this book, more over the before books are just like some time pass sex novels mostly used to go with “F” language. But coming to “2 Statesis good, awesome, painfull book. According to my view this book suits to all the guys who are going for love marriage without parent acceptance. “2 States’’ will clearly explains pain of two family regarding inter caste and inter community marriages. The book goes around love affections between families, religion and a lot of thing. In this book whole CHENNAI episode is very nice. I think Chetan is now eligible to express that he is changing country by his writing. “2 States” will really change the country a lot. Chetan you did a good work. Keep it up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy diwali!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi All,
Wishing each one of you a very happy and prosperous deepawali. May this year brings you lots and lots of happiness in life and fulfill all your dreams.

As the candlelight flame,
Ur life may always be happiness' claim;
As the mountain high,
U move without sigh;
like the white linen flair,
Purity is always an affair;
As sunshine creates morning glory,
fragrance fills years as flory;
with the immaculate eternal smile,
attached to u mile after mile;
All darkness is far away,
As light is on its way;
Wish all of u a very happy diwali.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Awesome session by Ranjan shetty

I think there is no need to say that above pic is RANJAN shetty’s The strategic leader of “IB”. It’s time to cheer, thank and support for Ranjan shetty activities in class. First of all whole pgbm ib is thank full to Ranjan shetty for his innovative idea of spreading or passing the knowledge between the classmate. Moreover he is giving everyone a chance to spread the knowledge. Good keep it up

Coming to today’s first session:

First half of the session is slightly moved with dilemma of some aspect but the knowledge passer had good concepts regarding the subject and first session is rocked with some seriousness its good for all. However all the knowledge receiver gave there feedback expecting there will rock us with more concept and subject for next session on statistics. Vijay its good session by you and keep it up ra.

Coming to second session the most awaited and interesting concept how to deal with interviews by strategic leader Ranjan shetty. Awesome session and good knowledge transfer session. Most important is his aptitude test in the end is awesome but it is CCP work slight affecting the ethics of the session. Hey Ranjan the aptitude test was “keka” ra. But how ever by his session we learned a lot regarding how to face interviews with aptitude tests. Good work Ranjan keep it up and expecting that you will come with some more innovative tests and ideas. And it’s time to thank all the guys who took part of session on both sides.

Expecting “IB” will come forward with some more innovative ideas and concepts to make all guys more strategic and perfect future mangers...............................................

The Nobel Joke

The Norwegian Nobel joke continues. Its Obama for Peace.

The liberal winner cup overflows.

We have seen the likes of Jimmy Carter, a gutless appeaser, Yasser Arafat, a terrorist thug and Al Gore, a lying Green win the same prize in the past. Therefore should we be surprised at the Obama choice?Obama's nothing but a shrewd player who cares only for himself. Every move of his has been calculated for political capital. At times its even been fraudulent. Note Thomas Sowell writing on Obama's healthcare plan; ' "Hubris-laden charlatans" was the way a recent e-mail from a reader characterized the Obama administration. That phrase seems especially appropriate for the Charlatan-in-Chief, Barack Obama, whose speech to a joint session of Congress was both a masterpiece of rhetoric and a shameless fraud.

To tell us, with a straight face, that he can insure millions more people without adding to the already skyrocketing deficit, is world-class chutzpa and an insult to anyone's intelligence. To do so after an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office has already showed this to be impossible reveals the depths of moral bankruptcy behind the glittering words.'

About Obama's efforts for peace. Not speaking out for the protesters in Iran and siding with the ousted Zelaya in Honduras shows him for who he really is. Obama doesn't care for Democracy. And Democracy is the only way to peace. The way I remember, President Bush did more for democracy than any other leader? And got bashed for it?

What a pity.

In honouring Obama with the Nobel Peace prize, the Norwegians do peace a disservice. As Michael Binyon notes, 'Rarely has an award had such an obvious political and partisan intent. It was clearly seen by the Norwegian Nobel committee as a way of expressing European gratitude for an end to the Bush Administration, approval for the election of America’s first black president and hope that Washington will honour its promise to re-engage with the world.Instead, the prize risks looking preposterous in its claims, patronising in its intentions and demeaning in its attempt to build up a man who has barely begun his period in office, let alone achieved any tangible outcome for peace.'

By PROF.RAY TITUS at Alliance Business School

I think BARACK OBAMA’s qualification for getting noble peace prize is president of USA

Suggestion box @ IFIM HOSTEL

Now a day IFIM having a lot of good news .After a long struggle for suggestion box@hostel at last we achieved it. A lot of thanks to ifim management .one more good news guys i.e. ifim management is going to start a open forum for student and administration block .But whole credit of suggestion box and open forum goes to one i.e. VARUN &co, thanks a lot yaar. Expecting these activities may help to increase the standards of IFIM HOSTEL

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hey guys it time to make Ur concepts perfect and increase ur level of confidence, communication skill and innovative ideas

The first term went in a short span and due to visiting faculty a lot of concepts are yet to be perfect. Now, PGDM IB 09-11 batch Ranjan shetty moved ahead and going to start a special session on Statistics, communication skills and BUSINESS Economics on Saturdays. Most of sections are having a free slot Saturday; therefore we kept session on Saturday guys. All sections students are invited for special session on above mentioned subjects and if you want to add any subject more you can bring to our notice, we try to add the subject in the next session. Guys more over it is fully student based and student managed session it adds u a good communication skill and some business news. More over its completely voluntary session no guys are forced to attend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Expecting that guys will make use of this opportunity to make Ur concepts perfect and to know how the textual concepts are used in practise

This Saturday content:

On 10-10-2009 Saturday there will be session on Standard deviation (Business Statistics) between 10:30 to 12:00

1. By the end of the session you should know.

At 12:00 to 1:30 we will have activity session.

e. How to face an interview and answer (A discussion session through a free speaking those who have Experience).

f. An Aptitude Test (Used at IBM India)

2. By the end of the session you should understand

g. The basics of attending an interview.

h. What the companies look in you to select.

i. Patience and Careful approach towards aptitude test.

For more assistance log on to

Good news- Cash Donations are allowed for Flood victims!!

Ifim management made it clear that even cash donation are allowed. Now just drop Ur responsibility (money) into box at IFIM campus 1 floor

Guys it’s the time to be united and help the victims .

Guys please use this golden opportunity to help floods victims and Show Ur social responsibility toward public!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It’s time to help the flood victims

The recent torrential rains and flash floods in karnataka and Andhra Pradesh have struck a disastrous blow to the life and property of the people. It has taken of over 200 lives, destroyed more than three lakh houses, and rendered crores of people homeless. These victims spend sleepless nights and are pushed to a life of uncertainty. The magnitude of the damage is astounding

Above are the few snaps of flood victims. Due to recent floods and the devastating impact left behind in many states with loss of many lives and property, it our duty, moral & social responsibility to extend our assistance to the poor victims who have been affected in this.

Our IFIM management planned to collect voluntary contributions from all those interested in being part of this noble cause and there will send to our CM’s fund.

Anyone interested in contributing may drop in their cheques(no Cash please) in the drop box that will be placed between 7th Oct,09 till 10th Oct,09, in our Campus and the same will be sent across to the Karnataka CM’s relief fund.

Ø Account payee cheque favouring: “Karnataka Chief Minister’s Relief Fund – Calamity”

Ø Kindly write your full name and contact number behind the Cheque

Ø Students may kindly write in their class/section details also

Ø Kindly ensure that balances are maintained in the account the cheque is issued, as the cheques may be deposited for realization at a later date

Ø Contributions made to the fund are eligible for exemption under the Income Tax Act

Ø Ifim management will give the receipts individually once all the cheques are collected and handed

Guys please use this golden opportunity to help floods victims and Show Ur social responsibility toward public!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!