Saturday, October 24, 2009

This is humanity?????????????????

After a long session in the college, we came out for a relaxation to tea shop which is in front of our college. Suddenly I saw a dog passing in front of the tea shop with front two legs only and other two legs are crushed. I don’t know what happened to the dog but felt very sad by seeing the dog’s misery. Later on I came to know what happened to the dog by one of my friend. She told me that the dog met with an accident by a two wheeler who use to pass on that road daily. Back legs of the dog were crushed under the front wheel of the motor cycle. Legs were crushed in such a way that it never walk properly. I felt very sad after knowing what happened. From that day when i saw the dog near tea shop I’m unable to stay before the shop. A big doubt was raised in my mind whether the fault is with the individual or with the system which was created by social animals for not showing mercy or help toward that dog. If we see a person met with an accident we will try to do something up to which we can do. But why we are not doing anything if we see these types of things happened to animals. If anything happened to us we can share with others but animals can’t do that. Just think a while about the situation of that dog in the above picture. How it can search for food daily being a street dog. I understood something by seeing the dog-“it keep on looking every one in such a way that please show mercy towards me”. Do we have mercy, sympathy on other creature including animals and social animals???????????? This is not to educate someone but just making others to think for a while what we are doing and why we are living.Hey guys plz advise us how to help this dog plz .

By Anand konda.