Thursday, March 18, 2010


                   HEY guys it’s A big shock to IFIM --- HOGG @IFIM

Its usual day with “F” xams.... some were busy in mugging the subject and some were busy in sleeping like me.........

                                                   We don’t know it’s fortunate or UN-fortunate but brad Hogg came to IFIM College and Hostel. It’s a big shock to most of the student present in ifim. Very few people have seen him, in that few also most of them thought that he is some GERMAN “Aliens OF IFIM” who came as student xchange program.

                    Well here comes the question?????? WHY he came to IFIM

More over no one knew his visit which creates a big doubt in mind whether IFIM management knows his name & fame...also his visit was like a blink of an eye .....................................................

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Most awaiting story “Indian Budget 2010”----- But Got a Mixed response from Public

I have seen many such items in almost all budgets—they have ranged from ‘agarbattis’ to ‘bindis’ to vests, and God knows what else, over the years. And I wonder why? Why do we have these strange items in the budget? Are they really worth it? And what about that whole notion of a simple tax regime that is moving towards uniformity of rates? Look at the range of items which are being exempted from indirect taxes in this Budget—cold storages, transporting cereals and pulses (but not fruits and vegetables), corrugated boxes, latex rubber thread. And the list goes on.

The whole point of tax reforms is that we must stop fine-tuning taxes. And we in the past have seen the benefits that come with simplicity. But somehow, India’s most important annual economic event is full of subtext that is either nonsensical, or a farce, or both. And it is not just this Budget. Pick up any one over the last two decades, and you will see the same story.'