Thursday, March 18, 2010


                   HEY guys it’s A big shock to IFIM --- HOGG @IFIM

Its usual day with “F” xams.... some were busy in mugging the subject and some were busy in sleeping like me.........

                                                   We don’t know it’s fortunate or UN-fortunate but brad Hogg came to IFIM College and Hostel. It’s a big shock to most of the student present in ifim. Very few people have seen him, in that few also most of them thought that he is some GERMAN “Aliens OF IFIM” who came as student xchange program.

                    Well here comes the question?????? WHY he came to IFIM

More over no one knew his visit which creates a big doubt in mind whether IFIM management knows his name & fame...also his visit was like a blink of an eye .....................................................